Peer Review Process and Instructions for Authors


All manuscripts submitted to the IJEP are reviewed critically with criteria explicitly available to all prospective authors. It is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief, the Associate Editors, and the Editorial Board to determine manuscripts‘suitability for publication. After receipt of a manuscript by the Editor, it is sent to an Associate Editor. The manuscript is peer-reviewed by at least two members of the journal Peer-Review Board as well as the Editor-in-Chief. The Peer-Review Board member then makes a definitive recommendation for acceptance or revision based on the merit and quality of the article. All articles meeting the review criteria will be published. It is the responsibility of the editors to communicate to authors in a manner that revisions will be conducive to publication.

All Board members and referees who review a manuscript remain unknown to the authors, but not the criteria.

All submissions should be sent to editor by e-mail. (

When preferred, authors can submit their manuscript from  by registering themselves as author.

Authors should use APA Publication Manual (5th edition) in their manuscript to submit IJEP. Exception, the tables and figures should be in text. All cites in text should be in references and also only cited ones include in references.  Some other exceptions about writing style for the manuscripts can be considered through authors’ request with information. All that requests should directed to editor or associate editors. 

An abstract guidance template can help authors to format their manuscript according to IJEP publication requirements. The template can be reached/downloaded from link to IJEP Template

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